‘Sylvia’ play debuts at Sunflower in Cortez


‘Sylvia’ play debuts at Sunflower in Cortez

Kate, played by Kim Welty, reacts to Greg (James Campuzano) as he scratches Sylvia (Julie Buff).
Liz Bohm, Kim Welty, Julia Buff, James Campuzano and Ryan Robison are the cast of “Sylvia,” playing at the Sunflower Theatre Friday through Sunday.
Phyllis, played by Liz Bohm, and Kate (Kim Welty) rehearse at the Sunflower Theatre.
Tom, played by Ryan Robison, and Greg (James Campuzano) rehearse for “Sylvia.”

‘Sylvia’ play debuts at Sunflower in Cortez

Kate, played by Kim Welty, reacts to Greg (James Campuzano) as he scratches Sylvia (Julie Buff).
Liz Bohm, Kim Welty, Julia Buff, James Campuzano and Ryan Robison are the cast of “Sylvia,” playing at the Sunflower Theatre Friday through Sunday.
Phyllis, played by Liz Bohm, and Kate (Kim Welty) rehearse at the Sunflower Theatre.
Tom, played by Ryan Robison, and Greg (James Campuzano) rehearse for “Sylvia.”
If you go

Showtimes are Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Sunflower Theater, 8 E. Main St.
Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. The play contains adult language and content and is recommended for mature audiences.
For more information, visit sunflowertheatre.org.

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