The master leasing plan is a hard-fought victory for those of us that oppose oil and gas development on our public lands. It is upsetting to see that despite all the efforts to develop this plan, our president-elect has the power to block such an important tool.
As an avid user of public lands in the Southwest, it’s important that we protect these places where we hike, bike, and fish. Areas that could be damaged include Canyon of the Ancients, Phil’s World, and the La Plata River.
If we allow the oil and gas industry to drill on our public lands, we are effectively allowing that land to become private, which will limit our access as hikers, bikers and fishermen.
The Trump administration is pushing to roll back many regulations on oil and gas extraction, as well as many of the environmental laws that protect the places we love. Because of this, we need to push the implementation of the MLP before Trump takes office.
If it is implemented, 39,000 acres of land will have one more layer of protection against Trump’s energy plan.
I urge Mike Nedd, Assistant Director of Energy, Minerals and Realty Management at the BLM Washington office, to make the right choice and pass the Master Lease Plan.
Jake Hutcherson