The San Juan National Forest, Dolores Ranger District, is seeking public comments on a preliminary Environmental Assessment for the Taylor and Stoner Mesas Vegetation Management project. The project area is located about 20 miles northeast of the town of Dolores.
In the aspen forest type, there are 33 proposed treatment units, totaling 920 acres. This project would use coppice-clearcut methods to create stands of aspen seedlings, and five of the created openings would be larger than 40 acres in size.
In the spruce/fir forest type, there are 18 treatment units totaling 1,734 acres. The selection harvests in spruce/fir would be an uneven-age harvest meant to maintain a multi-aged structure, establish new tree seedlings, and remove diseased trees.
The Environmental Assessment and comment form are available on the project webpage at Comments may be submitted via the electronic comment form on the webpage, or by sending comments to Derek Padilla, District Ranger, Dolores Ranger District, 29211 Colorado Highway 184, Dolores, CO 81323 or email Comments may also be hand-delivered to the Dolores District Office between 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. during normal business hours, or faxed to: Attn: Derek Padilla, fax number 970-882-6841.
Comments should be received by April 6th, 2017. Additional information regarding this proposal can be obtained from David Casey at 970-882-7296.