Dear Editor:
It takes a lot to get me angry, and now I am angry.
I read the other day about whos winning? as regards the debt talks in Washington, D.C. I do not know who is winning, but I know who is losing: the American people. This has become a power struggle instead of what is supposed to be, negotiations to end our debt and restore our country to its former greatness.
When did our country become like a football or basketball team? This is NOT supposed to about winning. This is supposed to about what is good for America.
The Republicans do not want Obama or any Democrat to look good. The Democrats do not want the Republicans to look good. Gridlock has raised its ugly head once more.
As long as we continue to have us and them, nothing will get accomplished in this country. We have squabbling children in our nations capital. The Republicans want social services cut, fine. Cut foreign aid for a while. The Democrats want tax hikes, fine. Make the income taxes in this country fair. After all, most Americans dont pay much in income taxes (we pay a lot in other taxes, but not on income).
There are solutions to the debt problem, but having the attitude of whos winning wont solve our problems, it will only make them worse.
Please write or call your senators and congressman. Stop the power struggles and do what is right for all the citizens of this country.
Mary OBrien
Via e-mail