The family of Shawna Johnson would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers during these times after her sudden passing. Thank you to everyone who brought food, donated money and were there when we needed someone to talk to. A special thank you to Rev. Raymond Boyd for conducting the graveside service, Stacey Johnson for getting the music together, Donnie and Dawni Jo Johnson for singing a song, all our friends and relatives, the Peck family, Adam and Amanda Alcon and Tiffany Gallegos for helping to get the food together after the service, Ertel Funeral Home for their thoughtfulness and support, Shawnas extended family at Kemper School and A Cut Above Beauty Academy, Kilees extended family at Guardian Angel Home Health and Revas extended family at Citizens State Bank. We are truly blessed to live in a community that cares. Again, thank you everyone.
Carlton Johnson
Reva Johnson
Josh Gentry and Sasha Buscaglia
Kilee Gentry and Travis Peck
Ryan Gentry