Dear Editor:
I was not surprise to read about Rep. Tiptons town hall meeting where he blamed Democrats for the debt-ceiling standoff. Did he forget that it was his tea party crew that held our country at ransom? It was their way or the highway; compromise is not in their vocabulary. He knows that the Ryan Plan was something no Democrat would vote for, as it would be the beginning of the end for Social Security and Medicare. Tipton is less than honest when he said he would protect Social Security and Medicare. Conservatives are and always have been against these programs. To say the so-called Obamacare would hurt seniors is also less than honest.
I get a kick out of it when Republicans call the wealthy job creators. If they are job creators, where are the jobs? We had tax breaks for the rich every since George W. and all it did was help tank our economy. CEOs for large corporations got a overall 23 percent increase in their income. Private corporate jets to exotic places have increased (Time magazine). Nice to know they are living large; how about the middle class!
Tipton is also trying to gut the EPA, the one agency that protects the water we drink and the air we breath. He has tried to destroy the Wilderness Act, then proclaims he is a friend of hunters. I know his idea of America is what a lot of Montezuma County folks believe in, but folks I live here too, I vote, I fought in a foreign war and I pay taxes. His and the tea partys idea of America is not what I believe in and I will fight to see he goes back to selling pottery.
Larry Berger
Via e-mail