Bloomberg: Durango is 12th wealthiest small U.S. town

Bloomberg: Durango is 12th wealthiest small U.S. town

Study finds high-end ski towns atop the list
The Durango Herald file

The house at 1237 E. Third Ave. was among the most expensive sold in the Durango city limits in 2013, going for more than $1.2 million, according to La Plata County assessor’s records.
Courtesy of Bloomberg Business

Bloomberg: Durango is 12th wealthiest small U.S. town

The Durango Herald file

The house at 1237 E. Third Ave. was among the most expensive sold in the Durango city limits in 2013, going for more than $1.2 million, according to La Plata County assessor’s records.
Courtesy of Bloomberg Business
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