Habitat loss threatens birds’ future in La Plata County


Habitat loss threatens birds’ future in La Plata County

Three species considered vulnerable
The Mexican spotted owl’s northern range includes areas of Southwest Colorado in La Plata County, near Mesa Verde as well as on Southern Ute Indian Tribe land.
The southwestern willow flycatcher has strongholds in Arizona and New Mexico, but populations have been documented in Southwest Colorado, south of Vallecito Lake.
The yellow-billed cuckoo has suffered from habitat loss and ecologically-harmful water management practices.

Habitat loss threatens birds’ future in La Plata County

The Mexican spotted owl’s northern range includes areas of Southwest Colorado in La Plata County, near Mesa Verde as well as on Southern Ute Indian Tribe land.
The southwestern willow flycatcher has strongholds in Arizona and New Mexico, but populations have been documented in Southwest Colorado, south of Vallecito Lake.
The yellow-billed cuckoo has suffered from habitat loss and ecologically-harmful water management practices.

Herald Staff Writer Jonathan Romeo’s three-part series includes stories about endangered or threatened mammals, birds, insects and plants in La Plata County. All stories are available at www.durangoherald.com.
Part 1: Mammals (April 1)Part 2: Birds (April 8)Part 3: Plants, insects (today)