Dear Editor:
Some questions for Rep. Scott Tipton:
Did you swear an oath to the Constitution of the United States? If yes, why then did you sign a pledge to a non-elected person, Grover Norquist, and his statement to bring down this country and its government, a government that has worked for over 200 years?
Many residents of countries large and small have fought and died to emulate our government but are thwarted by dictatorial leaders. Yet you, who were elected to take part in a government that many have sacrificed to attain, have sold your integrity to a person who spouts dictatorial rhetoric. Taxes build and sustain democracies and furnish the amenities guaranteed by the Constitution that you once swore an oath to uphold.
My father once told me it mattered not what I attained; I was nothing if I could not keep my word. Some of the rhetoric you keep repeating is leading me to believe you are not keeping your word.
I ask again, did you swear to uphold the Constitution, or did you lie and will only support Norquist and his pledge? If so, you should resign, as your word means nothing.
Galen Larson