Esther Cook is named 2017 Mancos Days Queen


Esther Cook is named 2017 Mancos Days Queen

Longtime Mancos resident worked in accounting
Esther Cook, photographed in the dress she made, is the Mancos Days Queen for the 2017 festival.

Esther Cook is named 2017 Mancos Days Queen

Esther Cook, photographed in the dress she made, is the Mancos Days Queen for the 2017 festival.
If you go

The VFW Auxiliary invites the public to meet Queen Esther Cook at the Queen’s Tea, to be held in her honor on July 28 at 1 p.m. at the VFW Post No. 5231 on Grand Avenue.
The Queen’s Luncheon will be held after the parade in Boyle Park on Saturday, July 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Queen’s Quilt is on display at the Dolores State Bank in Mancos. The quilt represents all the past queens, with the center block dedicated to this year’s queen.
Quilt raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5, available through the Auxiliary. Contact Beverly at 970-759- 1332, Queenie at 749-9320, any other VFW Auxiliary member, the Dolores State Bank, or the Mancos Visitors Center for quilt tickets.
The Queen’s quilt winning ticket will be drawn Saturday, July 29 at 1 p.m. at Boyle Park.