Plotting your passion

Plotting your passion

La Plata County woman creates business updating maps
Shari Erickson looks over maps recently at her La Plata County home that she has spent the past eight years updating. She uses USGS topographical maps and overlays additional data, such as houses, roads, campsites and hiking trails.
Shari Erickson takes advantage of working from home and enjoying some dog time while making maps. She updates USGS topographical maps by overlaying additional data, such as houses, roads, campsites and hiking trails.
Shari Erickson show some maps that she created using USGS topographical maps and additional data. She has run Apogee Mapping for eight years from her home in Forest Lakes.

Plotting your passion

Shari Erickson looks over maps recently at her La Plata County home that she has spent the past eight years updating. She uses USGS topographical maps and overlays additional data, such as houses, roads, campsites and hiking trails.
Shari Erickson takes advantage of working from home and enjoying some dog time while making maps. She updates USGS topographical maps by overlaying additional data, such as houses, roads, campsites and hiking trails.
Shari Erickson show some maps that she created using USGS topographical maps and additional data. She has run Apogee Mapping for eight years from her home in Forest Lakes.
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