A stranger to Montezuma County is spotted at birding festival


A stranger to Montezuma County is spotted at birding festival

For the first time, a Savannah sparrow is seen at annual event
A red-faced warbler.
A Savannah sparrow.

A stranger to Montezuma County is spotted at birding festival

A red-faced warbler.
A Savannah sparrow.
Get involved

The 2018 UMMV Birding Festival is scheduled for May 9-13 — and planning starts early.
A unique benefit of the UMMV Birding Festival is van transportation to the various birding sites. One or two experienced birding guides accompany each tour group in vans to the various birding sites.
“The guides' expertise, skillful van drivers, and careful selection of tour destinations lend to the festival's overall success in sighting and identifying bird species,” bird festival chairwoman Diana Cherbak said in an email.
Individuals, businesses, chambers of commerce, state and local agencies donate money, products, auction items, time and services, Cherbak said.
To get involved, contact the Cortez Cultural Center at 970-565-1151, ext. 14.
More infoutemountainmesaverdebirdingfestival.comfacebook.com/UteMountainMesaVerdeBirdingFestival

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