Pet of the Week

Pet of the Week

Puppies! These beautiful Pyrenees-mix siblings are waiting to get more room to move around in. Three of a large litter are shown here that were dropped off at the shelter. These pups are 9 weeks old, and their mom is a Great Pyrenees, so they’re going to be big dogs when they grow up, probably over 60 pounds. The blond is a little girl, as is the brindle; the brown sable pup is a male. They are sweet natured and calm as puppies go, and are going to make good family dogs. Other breeds in this mix are yellow Lab and Anatolian shepherd. If one of these critters are too much for you, the little black older Dachshund mix featured as last Thursday’s Pet of the Week is still at the shelter, hoping for a home. Please consider bringing into your life a sweet-natured dog, one of these super-cute puppies, or any of the other deserving animals that have found themselves at the shelter, and give one a chance for a happy life. The shelter is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on alternate Fridays. They will be closed this Friday. Right now, the shelter desperately needs puppy chow. They also need paper towels, Dawn liquid dish soap, powder-type dishwasher soap, and scented (lavender, spring fresh, etc.) generic bleach. For more information, call the shelter at 565-4910. To view more animals, visit (enter 81321 zip code) or

Pet of the Week

Puppies! These beautiful Pyrenees-mix siblings are waiting to get more room to move around in. Three of a large litter are shown here that were dropped off at the shelter. These pups are 9 weeks old, and their mom is a Great Pyrenees, so they’re going to be big dogs when they grow up, probably over 60 pounds. The blond is a little girl, as is the brindle; the brown sable pup is a male. They are sweet natured and calm as puppies go, and are going to make good family dogs. Other breeds in this mix are yellow Lab and Anatolian shepherd. If one of these critters are too much for you, the little black older Dachshund mix featured as last Thursday’s Pet of the Week is still at the shelter, hoping for a home. Please consider bringing into your life a sweet-natured dog, one of these super-cute puppies, or any of the other deserving animals that have found themselves at the shelter, and give one a chance for a happy life. The shelter is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on alternate Fridays. They will be closed this Friday. Right now, the shelter desperately needs puppy chow. They also need paper towels, Dawn liquid dish soap, powder-type dishwasher soap, and scented (lavender, spring fresh, etc.) generic bleach. For more information, call the shelter at 565-4910. To view more animals, visit (enter 81321 zip code) or