Lady Panthers lose 2 at home


Lady Panthers lose 2 at home

M-CHS girls soccer team fall in final home matches at Johnson Field
After scoring a goal to tie the match for the Lady Panthers, Baylee Lindsley receives a hug from teammate Tori Laymon Friday afternoon against Fruita Monument.
After colliding with a Fruita Monument player, Tori Laymon falls to the ground as the ball rolls out of bounds Friday. The Lady Panthers lost 3-2 in overtime at Johnson Field.

Lady Panthers lose 2 at home

After scoring a goal to tie the match for the Lady Panthers, Baylee Lindsley receives a hug from teammate Tori Laymon Friday afternoon against Fruita Monument.
After colliding with a Fruita Monument player, Tori Laymon falls to the ground as the ball rolls out of bounds Friday. The Lady Panthers lost 3-2 in overtime at Johnson Field.
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