Lady Panthers tennis wins 3 of 4


Lady Panthers tennis wins 3 of 4

Kristin Parker hits a winning backhand against Paonia last Friday in Delta. She won the No. 1 singles match, 4-6, 6-4, 10-7.
Charley Stewart and Emily Walck discuss strategy against Delta’s No. 1 doubles team on the road Saturday. Stewart and Walck won the tiebreaker, 10-7.

Lady Panthers tennis wins 3 of 4

Kristin Parker hits a winning backhand against Paonia last Friday in Delta. She won the No. 1 singles match, 4-6, 6-4, 10-7.
Charley Stewart and Emily Walck discuss strategy against Delta’s No. 1 doubles team on the road Saturday. Stewart and Walck won the tiebreaker, 10-7.