The Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado has established a regional loan program that provides a pool of funds for businesses wanting to reduce operation costs and resource consumption in order to improve their energy efficiency,
Cassie Alexander, business development specialist with Region 9, said that this program fills Region 9s mission of helping businesses succeed.
Businesses that have lower costs have a greater chance of success, and this loan program will help fund efforts to reduce operation costs and utilize a business resources in the best possible way, she said in a prepared statement from Region 9.
Alexander also recognizes that economic sustainability is playing a larger role in economic development.
Region 9 is working in cooperation with the Four Corners Office of Resource Efficiency (4CORE), which is providing businesses and individuals information on energy assessments and possible tax credits, as well as helping to calculate the financial benefits for making any energy efficiency improvements. Region 9 can work with businesses that have an energy efficiency plan that they want to implement.
For more information on this loan program, contact Jenny Stollar at 247-9621 or at