Muscanell Millworks sold to German company


Muscanell Millworks sold to German company

Right now, about 25 employees work at mill
Muscanell Millworks superintendent Bobby Comisky, Lagler North America vice president of sales Marc Schulz, Millworks secretary and treasurer Karen Harbaugh, and Millworks president Doug Muscanell.
Employees process wood flooring at Muscanell Millworks in Cortez.
Muscanell Millworks’ manufacturing plant north of Cortez.

Muscanell Millworks sold to German company

Muscanell Millworks superintendent Bobby Comisky, Lagler North America vice president of sales Marc Schulz, Millworks secretary and treasurer Karen Harbaugh, and Millworks president Doug Muscanell.
Employees process wood flooring at Muscanell Millworks in Cortez.
Muscanell Millworks’ manufacturing plant north of Cortez.
Muscanell Millworks

20545 County Road U, Cortez

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