I wonder if any of your readers remember a couple years ago, a local woman had received four DUIs, one resulting in an altercation with police, another resulting in a high speed race back to Towaoc, ending in a crash, and was still driving drunk a fifth time when she crashed into another vehicle, killing an innocent person? She didnt even get a manslaughter charge from the DA, just another DUI.
And recently a man got only three years for trying to shoot his grandmother. Im sure she is glad he didnt know how to clean his pistol.
And do they remember last year when a Dolores man was accused for beating, shaking and throwing a human infant on the ground hard enough to kill it? Well, last week that guy was bailed out of jail and is walking around town, free as you please, because Wasley still has not brought this case to trial.
To me, all three cases have convinced me that DA Wasley is not fit to serve as a district attorney. Maybe he is just burned out after 30 years in the business. I met Will Furse on June 1 while he was defending a good friend of mine. In court, Furse is an excellent litigator and really knows his law. He wont be letting accused infant killers be walking around without prosecuting the case. Furse had some law trouble, back when Christ was a corporal, but I think he has paid his debt to society, in his 20-plus years since. His vote is a no brainer.
At least when my dogs bark at night, I would be more apt to think its at an animal and not a serial killer. At that trial last Friday Doug Maxwells case was dismissed, 20-30 of his friends went down to see the 3 subpoenaed game wardens defend their so-called evidence. They didnt show up, because they didnt have any evidence, or probable cause for a ticket.
I still have faith in our judicial system.
John M. Hopkins
Via CortezJournal.com