First, foremost, and quite sincerely, congratulations to Mr. Ertel and Mr. Findlay on their primary election results. Additionally to Mrs. Rule and Mr. McClellan for their willingness to step into the fray. Kudos to all five of us for not lowering ourselves into the pit of personal politics. My heartfelt thanks go out to the 25 percent of you who worked and voted for the preservation and recapture of Liberty. While we were not as successful as we had hoped, I believe we have highlighted the message of Liberty, and have demonstrated by our number that we can no longer be ignored, and which go beyond this newspapers editorials which tried to dismiss us as narrow and single-minded (my words of summary).
As I talked to both men on Tuesday night, they expressed to me that they get it; but it is still a citizens responsibility to remain vigilantnot only to what happens in Washington, D.C. or Denver but here locally as well and to continue to inform our local representatives on the issues which affect our liberty. I certainly intend to.
Bud Garner
Via email