Dolores student, Caitlin C. Rodgers was named as one of the additional winners of National Merit Scholarships financed by colleges and universities that were announced by National Merit Scholarship Corporation on July 9, 2012. Caitlin won a National Merit Scholarship for Oberlin College near Cleveland, Ohio, and is pursuing a probable career path in Publishing. Oberlin College is an independent, coeducational, undergraduate institution, internationally recognized for its academic excellence and for its role in opening higher education to women and minorities. Oberlins enrollment of 2,800 is divided between the College of Arts and Science and the Conservatory of Music. The character of Oberlin is influenced by the selectivity and diversity of its student body, its excellent faculty, financial strength, and its successful graduates.
Caitlin is a graduate of Dolores High School. She is one of the latest group of named Merit Scholar designees that join over 2,500 other college-sponsored award recipients who were announced in late May.