When I made the announcement on Jan. 7, 2012, that I would be seeking the seat of county commissioner for District 2, little did I know how humbled I would find myself as the outpouring of support came my way throughout the precinct caucus, county assembly and finally the primary election.
I wish to thank the people in this county from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to talk with me and finding what are my core principles. I am most grateful for those of you who took time to come by to get one of my signs for your property. Now that the primary has passed and I have been named as the only candidate for District 2, I feel that it is appropriate for me to collect my signs and restore the county to an uncluttered state. If you have one of my signs, I ask that you either call me to come retrieve it or remove it yourself and hang on to it for my possible re-election campaign in 4 years.
Again, I wish to thank all of you for your encouragement and support in my bid for District 2, Montezuma County Commission.
Keenan G. Ertel
Via email
Editors note: Ertel is unopposed in the November general election.