Mining moves: EPA decision to drop Obama-era rule risks continuing a toxic pollution legacy


Mining moves: EPA decision to drop Obama-era rule risks continuing a toxic pollution legacy

Silverton-:Water flowing down the mountainside out of the Red and Bonita Mine in July 2013 contains high levals of manganese, zinc, copper, lead, Cadmium, aluminum, and iron that will make its way into Cement Creek that inhibits aquatic life and vegitation. Since about 2004 metal concentrations in Cement Creek, which flows into the Animas River, have “easily doubled,” says Peter Butler of the Animas River Stakeholders Group.

Mining moves: EPA decision to drop Obama-era rule risks continuing a toxic pollution legacy

Silverton-:Water flowing down the mountainside out of the Red and Bonita Mine in July 2013 contains high levals of manganese, zinc, copper, lead, Cadmium, aluminum, and iron that will make its way into Cement Creek that inhibits aquatic life and vegitation. Since about 2004 metal concentrations in Cement Creek, which flows into the Animas River, have “easily doubled,” says Peter Butler of the Animas River Stakeholders Group.
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