As the start of another school year approaches, its time to purchase school supplies, perhaps buy the kids some new school clothes, and ... wait a minute: summer isnt over yet. Theres three or four more weeks of summer ... let the kids be kids a little longer!
This is a nice idea, but the reality is children and youth of all ages are learning about the world all the time. And if they want to be successful throughout their school years, they need to be learning the right things. THE ONE RIGHT THING to learn that will help them succeed not only throughout their school years but throughout their lives, is to READ.
My parents didnt have much money when I was a child, but periodically they took me to the Five and Dime Store to purchase a comic book. I loved to read the adventures of Superman and the Lone Ranger. And one of the biggest thrills of my life was when I entered the sixth grade and was allowed to acquire my very own library card. (I dont know why I had to be in sixth grade to get a library card, but that was the rule.) Anyway, I began reading all of the western novels I could find. Growing up in Central Pennsylvania, I read and re-read the Zane Grey westerns and often day-dreamed about living out west, some place like, oh
. Colorado! (Go figure!) I loved to read growing up, and I love to read now. And as I ponder why, I can only conclude it was because my parents read stories to me when I was little, and they encouraged me to read throughout my school years. And in the summer months, they encouraged me to go to the library and read anything that interested me.
Why am I bringing this up now, at the end of the summer and only a few weeks before school starts? Because children learning to read to ensure success throughout their lives is extremely important. I truly believe reading is THE most important academic thing a child can learn. The facts are obvious: knowing how to read helps a student succeed in every class. Knowing how to read allows young adults to follow their dreams into their desired careers.
As a parent, what can you do to help your child become a good reader? If you havent read to them or had them read to you this summer, start today. Get them in the habit in preparation for the school year. Start today and set a schedule that you and your child or children can maintain throughout the school year. Take them to the library and help them find topics (and books) that theyre interested in. Encourage your children to read food labels, street signs, restaurant names. Start reading to your child the day they are born and NEVER stop! If you can make reading fun, and share the experience with your children, you will be giving your children the best gift for their successful education possible.
Rick Carpenter is the pastor at the United Methodist Church in Dolores and First United Methodist Church in Dove Creek.