Montezuma-Cortez High School has scheduled their fall back to school events. All students and parents need to attend one of the following events from 6 to 7:30 p.m. where students will pick up their class schedules, and fill out all required registration papers with parent signatures. These events will be held in the M-CHS auditorium.
Junior/Senior Night Tuesday, Aug. 7 (for all incoming and new juniors and seniors).
Sophomore Night Wednesday, Aug. 8 (for all incoming and new sophomores).
Freshmen Night Thursday, Aug. 9 (for all incoming and new freshmen).
New students: Registration for new students will be Tuesday through Thursday, Aug. 1416. Students will need to come by and pick up a packet and set-up an appointment with the schools counseling staff. New students are asked to bring the following items: Proof of address residency; copy of birth certificate; Certificate of Indian Blood number (if applicable); immunization records; and transcripts.
2012 Freshmen Academy: There is still room for more incoming freshmen in the academy, which will be held at M-CHS on Monday, Aug. 6 to Thursday, Aug. 9, from 8 a.m. to noon. This is a great opportunity to make new friends, do fun activities and see what high school will be like before school starts. For more information call 565-3722. Applicants may also register at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 6.
For the information of local businesses and community awareness: On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays, morning classes meet from 9 a.m to 12:30 p.m., lunch is from 12:30 to 1:10 p.m., and afternoon classes go from 1:10 to 4:10 p.m. On Wednesdays, morning classes meet from 9 to 11:30 a.m., lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m., and afternoon classes go from 12:10 to 2:40 p.m.