Role-playing games regaining popularity

Role-playing games regaining popularity

New place to play in town, appearance on popular shows aid in resurgence
Miniature figures are used in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, which is seeing a resurgence in Durango.
Zach Lashley, left, dungeon master for a game of Dungeons & Dragons, sets the scene for player Ian Bray on Dec. 11 at Guild House Games in Durango. Since Guild House Games opened, Durango has experienced a role-playing game resurgence.
Justin Smith leads game of Starfinder, a science fiction-themed role-playing game, Dec. 11 at Guild House Games in the Main Mall in Durango.

Role-playing games regaining popularity

Miniature figures are used in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, which is seeing a resurgence in Durango.
Zach Lashley, left, dungeon master for a game of Dungeons & Dragons, sets the scene for player Ian Bray on Dec. 11 at Guild House Games in Durango. Since Guild House Games opened, Durango has experienced a role-playing game resurgence.
Justin Smith leads game of Starfinder, a science fiction-themed role-playing game, Dec. 11 at Guild House Games in the Main Mall in Durango.
For more information

Guild House Games has role-playing game days from noon to 9:30 p.m. every Sunday and Monday. Existing groups are welcome, and those without a group can sign up to join or form a new one.
Guild House Games is located on the second floor of the Main Mall at 835 Main Ave. in Durango.
For more information, visit

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