The Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce has spent several months working on its new website with the help of Bob Scott from Sundance Bear Computer Solutions. The new website includes a business directory that lists all Chamber of Commerce members as well as all other businesses in the valley. The new business directory was developed by the Chamber as a part of its Mancos Valley First: Think Locally campaign that was begun last year. Mancos Valley First is a program intended to provide information so the local residents as well as visitors can identify valley businesses that provide the products and services they need. You can find the website at
The Chamber is looking for feedback about the website. The Chamber of Commerce is well aware that the website is not perfect yet and that it will take help from the community to fine tune it. Please, send us your comments via e-mail to That way we can be sure to take note of additions and corrections that may be necessary to improve the site. However, feel free to send us any of your positive observations too. Your comments are greatly appreciated because they will help the Chamber in its efforts to make the site accurate and informative.