Following is a list of the 4-H members that are participating in the Colorado State Fair. In all of the categories, with the exception of dogs, shooting sports and animals, the 4-H member had to win their class to be eligible to take the project to the Colorado State Fair. For dogs the 4-H member must have had a qualifying score to be eligible to show. For shooting sports the 4-H member must have participated in each discipline and qualified at the County level in that discipline in order to shoot at the Fair. For the animals,4-H members must have nominated their animal by May 1. The Colorado State Fair, in Pueblo, runs from Aug. 24 to Sept. 3.
Artistic Clothing: Amy Koppenhafer, Kylie Breitenbach, Madison Lambert.
Cake Decorating: Amanda Sturman, Aurora McClure, Melissa McKinney, Rayanne McClure, Tayonna Gallegos.
Cake Decorating Contest: Cassidy King, Melissa McKinney, Rachel Nelligan.
Ceramics: Arvola Gray, Emily Martin, Madison Mahaffey, Myra Gray, Rylee Lindsley, Violet Gray.
Clothing Construction: Hanna Molzahn, Jessalyn Bay-Voit, Jordan Elder, Kendall Colcord.
Computers: Thomas Nelligan.
Dance/Performing Arts: Aaron McClain, Brenn Jeter, Chace Philpott, Chance Comisky, Chantell Ford, Hanna Molzahn, James Hackett, Jasper Breitenbach, Jordan Comisky, Krystle Hager, Kylie Breitenbach, Leigha Comisky, Logan Birch, Lucas Mahaffey, Melissa McKinney, Nanabah Sam, Olivia Cosner, Reilly Birch, Sarai Cruzan, Stetson Scott, TaeLynn Comisky, Taylor Comisky, Tayonna Gallegos, Ty Oliver.
Dog Obedience: Cassidy King, Lily Eddy, Melissa McKinney, Nolan King.
Dog Rally: Cassidy King, Lily Eddy, Nolan King.
Dog Showmanship: Cassidy King, David Schmittel, Lily Eddy, Madison Mahaffey, Melissa McKinney, Nolan King.
Food Core: Jessalyn Bay-Voit, Krystle Hager.
Food Preservation: Landan Wilson.
Global Citizenship: Arvola Gray.
Goats: John Dees, Rachel Dees.
Heritage Arts: Andee Wark, Aurora McClure, Elise Butler, Keandra Elliott, Kyla Kingery, Laura Cheyenne Mortensen, LuCretia Gray, Tessa Butler.
Instrumental/Performing Arts: Emily Martin.
Leadership: Brandi Borgen.
Leathercraft: Cassidy Leonard, Melissa McKinney.
Model Rocketry: Aaron Hackett, Emily Martin, Nicholas Martin, Nolan King.
Photography: Jessalyn Bay-Voit, Tamaria Zeutzius.
Rabbits: Lillian Hinman.
Rocket Fly Day: Nolan King.
Scrapbooking: Ashley Jeter, Taylor Comisky, Tierney Wilson.
Sheep: Kyle Cox, Tierney Wilson, Landan Wilson.
Shooting Sports: Brandi Borgen, Byron Crites, Cody McKinney, Elijah Winkles, Isaiah Wright, James Hackett, Jesse Hager, John Dees, Justin Burton, Nolan King, Rachel Dees, Stetson Hamilton, Stetson Scott, Taylor Willbanks, Tel Hamilton, Tia Imel, Xavier Eddy, Zane Willburn.
Shooting Sports Display: Brandi Borgen, Kelsi Rollins, Stetson Hamilton, Taylor Willbanks, Tel Hamilton.
Specialty Foods: Amanda Sturman, Jennifer Sturman.
Swine: Tyler Weir, Chance Lambert, Madison Lambert.
Woodworking: Alyssa Gray, Chance Comisky, Jesse Hager, Kiffany Whitmer, LuCretia Gray, Nicholas Martin.