William, the 13-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Caudill, was killed by the kick of a horse at the Sharnhorst ranch in Mildred community last Friday about noon. The child had wandered from the house to the barn near which horses were standing. It is supposed that the baby walked up behind the horse and perhaps took hold of its tail.
Owning to bad weather and roads, the meeting of the Mesa Verde Apple Packers association scheduled to have been held here Saturday, did not materialize. It is presumed that the old officers will hold unless another meeting is called. Philip Runck came in for meeting and stated there was a fair prospect for the apple crop in the valley, but that buyers are exceedingly scarce.
Wm. Bridgewater was justified in shooting and killing his stepson, Wm. Beeler, according to verdict rendered by the coroner's jury at the inquest held at Cortez last Friday.
The verdict rendered was “justifiable homicide.” The mother of the dead man and various other members testified in behalf of Bridgewater and stated that Beeler had threatened his stepfather and others of the family on several occasions. There was no actual eye witness to the shooting. The jury was composed of: Geroge McEwen, Cord Bowen, C. R. Neal, Wm. Lenz, Wm. Hindman and L. Duncan. The verdict clears Bridgewater of all blame and he has been released.
Mesdames T. H. Akin, J. B. Gelwick and Paul A. Shilds motored to Durango last Friday and on the return trip stopped at Ft. Lewis to attend a WCTU picnic.
Mrs. S. F. Hyde and daughter Emma, left Sunday for Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Hyde to spend some time visiting her children and friends and Miss Hyde to resume her employment. Mr. Hyde took the ladies to Gallup, where they took the train east, and he had the worst sort of a time getting back home. He had serious trouble in getting across a water filled “dip” in the vicinity of the Newcomb store, and near the state line came near running into a deep washout. He thinks perhaps an airplane is a better means of travel in rainy weather.
J. L. Morrison was down from his ranch over Sunday, getting himself a clean shirt and a line of political gossip. He reports logging crews trimming the fringe off the landscape along Plateau in a very businesslike manner. The timber is panning out much better than he expected it to.
The rainfall during the past two weeks has been about the heaviest recorded during a similar time in the past several years. While there was the threat of floods in various streams in the basin, no damage has been reported at this writing.
The Charles Spickert family moved this week into the Edithe Trimble tenant house.
P. A. Shields and Wm. Ratekin made a journey to Blanding and Monticello Monday.
Edward Morrison of Rico this week purchased a Chevrolet coupe from Dolores Motor Co.
The P. A. Shields family spent part of the day Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McGee.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cline are moving this week into the house lately vacated by the Harry Pyle family.
Mrs. Alice Akin went up the river to spend a few days vacationing at the home of her sons, Ed and Paul.
Miss Barbara Owens is spending a few days at the home of her grandparents, the J. W. Bozmans in Cortez.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fox and Mrs. Maria Giorgetta came in Tuesday evening from a vacation trip to California.