Dear Editor:
The Dolores Schools have been awarded a $2.62 million dollar BEST grant from the state of Colorado to replace the failing Science/Vo-Ag building and make much needed improvements to other parts of the campus. This grant is funded from revenue generated by Colorados school trust lands and is not a tax. However, this opportunity for the Dolores Community is contingent on your support for Question 3C this November 6th which asks voters to approve a $3.47 million bond to match the grant.
Thanks to the generous support of our community, voters approved a mill levy override in 2008 that has enabled our dedicated teachers and staff to not only weather the state fiscal storm, but become a model of success. Out of 178 school districts in Colorado, Dolores School District RE-4A was ranked 11th in terms of overall academic success by the Colorado Department of Education last year and is only one of 18 districts to achieve an accredited with distinction certification. With this success has come record enrollment this fall.
Some of our facilities, however, are in dire need of improvement. The greatest need is the Science and Vo-Ag building which is structurally unsound and must be replaced. Other needs are additional classrooms and remodel of the locker room. The passage of the bond, combined with the BEST grant we were awarded will enable the District to replace the failing building and make these improvements at a fraction of the cost. This may be our one and only opportunity to benefit from the BEST grant as this will likely be the last year of the program and likely the only opportunity to replace the Science/Vo Ag building at less than full price.
The cost of the bond to the average homeowner is $4.72 per month per average Dolores home, or $3.00 per hundred thousand of residential valuation and $10.83 per hundred thousand for businesses. The current bond supporting the 1999 construction of our commons and library facilities will be retired in 2019. Taxpayers in the Dolores School District will NOT be required to fund the bond Cortez RE-1 is asking for. Additional information is available at the District Office on Central Ave. and by visiting the Districts website ( Please support 3C for strong schools and a strong community.
The Dolores School Board