Foundation for improvement


Foundation for improvement

‘Saturday School’ another M-CHS program to help students
$PHOTOCREDIT_ON$Instructor Jim Hammond is available to help students like Dayton Wilson during Saturday School at M-CHS.$PHOTOCREDIT_OFF$

Foundation for improvement

$PHOTOCREDIT_ON$Instructor Jim Hammond is available to help students like Dayton Wilson during Saturday School at M-CHS.$PHOTOCREDIT_OFF$
Re-1 district enrollment drops

Dolores, Mancos both see increases
By Caleb SOptelean
Journal Staff Writer
Enrollment in the Dolores School District Re-4a and Mancos School District Re-6 continues to climb, while Montezuma-Cortez School District Re-1 continues to fall.
That’s what current enrollment statistics reveal.
Re-1 schools combined have 40 fewer students than last year. Last week’s figures show 2,391 students enrolled in the district’s eight schools.
Dolores Re-4a schools have 80 more students than last year, 27 in the elementary and 53 combined in the middle and high schools, for a total of 730. There are 318 students in elementary school, 169 in middle school and 243 in the high school.
Mancos Re-6 schools have 26 more students for a total of 400. There are 198 students in the elementary, an increase of 23 over last year. There are 93 middle school students, an increase of five. However, the high school has lost two students and now has 109.
The enrollments at the Re-1 district are as follows: Kemper 359.5, Manaugh 280, Mesa 347.5, Lewis-Arriola 115, Pleasant View 21, Pre-school 42, Cortez Middle School, 584, and Montezuma-Cortez High School, 642. (Full-time equivalent numbers are used, which include part-time kindergarteners.)
The Re-1 numbers do not reflect two charter schools: Southwest Open School and Battle Rock. Battle Rock has increased from 31 to 39 students. Southwest has not yet completed their enrollment for the full-length fall term. They are currently in the shorter-length fall intensive term. Preliminary numbers are down somewhat from last year, Director Jennifer Carter said.
Note: Official enrollments are based on the Oct. 1 date. The Journal will publish a follow-up story after that date.