THE LAST DAYS OF FALL: Whilst the balloons were flying, your columnist (with friends and husband) was oohing and aahing along Highway 70, gasping at dazzling mile after mile of glowing aspens! We traveled from Denver to Glenwood Springs to Paonia and home. Im still a relative newcomer to Colorado, so every year or so, I try to see a new part of the state. This last trip was breathtaking!
While I was gone, the Arts Council with VP Marianne Griffin at the helm, hosted the ArtFest portion of the Balloon Festival with more artisans participating than last year, and having more sales than last year! Our plans are to expand this annual event, maybe calling it the Mancos Art&FunFest all up and down Grand Avenue. Will Stone drove people all round town in his wagon, music blasted forth from Beehive. Maybe its our last community hoorah before the days get short, cold and dark.
OH OH OLIO: The new show is up and running, featuring Mark Montgomery, painter and Barbara Grist, photographer. Marks work is either celestial or biological, but anyway it is ethereal and full of brilliant color. Barbara is showing images from her recent trip to India where, a famous Vogue magazine editor, Dianna Vreeland, stated, Fuschia is the navy blue of India. Prepare to be dazzled!
HO HO HO: Cant believe it, but its almost the holiday season! Over at the Cortez Cultural Center, its time to sign up for their Holiday Gift sales event that will take place on Saturday, Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving weekend). All artists and craftsmen are encouraged to sign up for this holiday tradition. There will be door prizes, music, food and drinks. Please note the deadline for signup is Nov. 9! Call 970-565-1151 to join in the fun.
TOWN GALLERY SHOWS: The show will be at the Mancos Town Gallery (at the Visitors Center on Bauer at Boyle Park) through the end of October. The featured artists are Milt Beens, Janet Chanay, Peggy Cloy, Marilyn Kroeker, Susan Mattson and Kim Russell. Mostly paintings, with some photography. The Visitors Center is open 10 a.m. 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. 2 p.m. on Saturday.
The next show, just as the days are getting shorter and colder, will feature photography of sunny tropical climes. The SUNNY DAZE show will open with an artists reception on Friday, Nov. 9. More details about the featured artists and reception time will be forthcoming in future columns.
Additionally, the Arts Council will be collaborating with other galleries and businesses in town to put on some fun activities during the holiday season. We will be repeating the Christmas Cookie contest, hosted by master baker, Mac Neely. Last year, we had ten entrants with a lot of tasting. Mac even provided baking prizes! Stay tuned for more developments.
DURANGO OPEN STUDIO TOUR: Next weekend, Arts Perspective will be hosting the Durango Studio tour with thirty-three artists and craftsmen participating. Im sure theyre all praying for a calm and beautiful weekend without a town-threatening fire to compete with the event. The dates are Oct. 13 and 14, and the tour times are 11 5 p.m. This year there will be Studio Headquarters location featuring an on-going exhibit of all participating artists work at DurangoSpace, 1221 Main Avenue in Durango, plus info and maps. Bring your walking shoes and your wallet.
KEEP IN TOUCH: Let me know whats happening in the arts community. Id love to publish info about your event, show, concert, play, whatever! Call me: 970-533-7536. I have a fairly a new email address: