Forest Service announces new positions

Michael Schmidt Michael Schmidt, San Juan National Forest wildlife technician, is now wildlife biologist for the BLM Tres Rios Field Office. He started his federal career in 2008 in Dolores as a...

DATE: Dec. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Dolores 80 years ago

The crew under direction of Jack Cotton, of Gallup, which has been working at the Glade oil well for the past few weeks trying to pull the casing, has about given the job up as a bad one, according...

DATE: Dec. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Dolores 40 years ago

Tragedy struck on Christmas Eve day here in Dolores with the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chadd being completely destroyed by fire. Apparently the fire started when Chadd was attempting to thaw frozen...

DATE: Dec. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Community Calendar

Email announcements to and include "Community Calendar" in the subject field. Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be less likely to be published. Entries and...

DATE: Dec. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Book on local history will be re-released

A treasure of local history may be available again soon. Local author Molly Warren said last week that the second edition of "Montezuma's Trails of Time" is due out any day now and that she is...

DATE: Dec. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

River Talk: Let your lights shine tonight

Don't forget to turn on your Christmas lights tonight. Judges will be out and about checking out this year's displays between 7 and 10 p.m. tonight. Look in next week's Star for a list of...

DATE: Dec. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Dolores 80 years ago

No trace has been found of the missing Towaoc trading post clerk, according to Sheriff W. W. Dunlap, except the car which he drove away was found in Grand Junction. Fred Grosman, a clerk employed...

DATE: Dec. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Faces in the Crowd: The Bazaar Queen

Do you have a Faces in the Crowd to submit to the Dolores Star? Please send it to Be sure to include "Faces in the Crowd" in the email's subject line, a short description of...

DATE: Dec. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Dolores 40 years ago

The peak of outgoing mail at the Dolores Post Office was probably reached on Monday of this week according to Postmaster Bill Bowden, with close to 3,800 letters going out, 3,400 of which were...

DATE: Dec. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Dolores 80 years ago

The farmers in our great non-irrigated land need everyone. Come to the rabbit drive Sunday, Dec. 16 near Yellow Jacket at the Prospect school house, lunch and coffee will be supplied at noon. There...

DATE: Dec. 10, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Faces in the Crowd: The Spurrier

Do you have a Faces in the Crowd to submit to the Dolores Star? Please send it to Be sure to include "Faces in the Crowd" in the email's subject line, a short description of...

DATE: Dec. 10, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Dolores 40 years ago: Taken from the Friday, Dec. 13, 1974, Dolores Star

The newly formed Historical Society will hold their next meeting at the Cortez Library, Thursday, Jan. 16th at 8 p.m. The society is still in its beginning stages and all officers have not yet been...

DATE: Dec. 10, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

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