
Trade vote

Setting aside the actual merits of the trade pact President Obama has been pushing, the defeat handed to him Friday was at least in some measure a win for democracy. With the continuing – and...

DATE: June 15, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Bennet and reform

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet introduced a bill last week to ban members of Congress from seeking campaign contributions from lobbyists while Congress is in session. It may go nowhere, but Bennet is...

DATE: June 11, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Strategic plan on aging

Demographic projections suggest a gray wave is building in Colorado, with nearly 25 percent of the state’s population expected to be older than 60 by 2030. As Coloradans age, the state must prepare...

DATE: June 8, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

High-interest loans

In the waning days of the Colorado Legislature’s 2015 session, lawmakers hastened through a debate about a bill allowing short-term lenders to assess a high-interest finance charge on loans of...

DATE: June 8, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Soccer scandal

Much has been reported in the last few days about the corruption charges that have been leveled against some 14 individuals either in FIFA’s governing body or with associated marketing companies....

DATE: June 1, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials


Since 1964, the law of the land has required that states draw their electoral districts according to population so that no person or group is disproportionately benefitted or harmed by those...

DATE: May 28, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Some gave all

Today, tens of thousands of American flags are flying next to grave markers in city cemeteries from coast to coast. They designate the men and women who gave their lives on distant lands, and whose...

DATE: May 25, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Leasing plan

When the Bureau of Land Management Tres Rios Field Office completed its long-awaited – and long-overdue – resource-management plan for the land and minerals it manages, the agency was criticized...

DATE: May 21, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Lawn be gone

Steve Harris, of Durango, had a good time Friday afternoon hosting “Lawn Be Gone,” a working celebration eased with beer, chips and shrimp to eliminate the patch of grass in the backyard of his...

DATE: May 18, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Public lands

On Monday, the Montezuma County Board of Commissioners will be talking about a recent push to transfer federal lands to state or local control. The three commissioners are very likely to formally...

DATE: May 14, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Nature tests us

A year or so after the Ebola virus was running rampant in parts of three West African countries, a look back by multiple observers is producing an almost complete story of what took place. In many...

DATE: May 11, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Best practices

Among the primary concerns homeowners who live near gas and oil development have is whether and how the activity is affecting their water supply. These are wholly understandable questions when...

DATE: May 7, 2015 | CATEGORY: Editorials

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