

Unless the discussion involves nuclear launch codes or some other sensitive element of national security, secrecy is the enemy of good government. That is true of the federal government, at the...

DATE: Aug. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Public access

The current circumstances of Yucca House National Monument are a tangle of ironies. Despite the fact that Yucca House is a huge archaeological site — 600 rooms, 100 kivas, a great kiva — it is...

DATE: Aug. 18, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Amendment 68

Many questions of public policy deserve serious thought and careful consideration of all sides of the issue. Others, not so much. An example of the latter is Amendment 68. It is a transparent...

DATE: Aug. 14, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

The tariff question

The reason for an economy unhampered by national borders is to link demand with the most cost-effective location of construction. Natural resources, geography and workforce conditions and...

DATE: July 28, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Immigration issues

Many countries in parts of the world are very familiar with unwanted immigration, but they do what they can to accommodate it. Think of Italy, France and Spain along the northern shores of the...

DATE: July 7, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Religious freedom

It should not be altogether surprising that the same U.S. Supreme Court that saw fit to extend freedom of speech rights to corporations would do so with religious liberties, but it does not make...

DATE: July 3, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Mesa Verde

Gazing across a canyon at 13th century cliff dwellings, it is almost possible to imagine that the inhabitants still might return. The paradox of Mesa Verde National Park is that as more people...

DATE: June 30, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Primary results

In Tuesday’s Republican primary, Montezuma County voters delivered some surprises. Conventional wisdom says an incumbent is very difficult to defeat, but Sheriff Dennis Spruell came up 700 votes...

DATE: June 26, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

PILT funds

Southwest Colorado is known for its abundance of federal lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service. These lands provide the scenic backdrop for...

DATE: June 23, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Primary election

Republican voters face three statewide choices in this year’s Colorado primary. They will be picking their party’s nominees for U.S. representa­tive, for state Board of Education member and for...

DATE: June 19, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Cantor’s swan song less about tea party than losing

WASHINGTON — About that stunning defeat. Conventional Wisdom, that self-righteous propagandist, has it that Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s trouncing by an academic, tea-sipping...

DATE: June 16, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Colorado’s state Legislature should not be called upon to rubberstamp governor’s deal

The legislative session has been out for little over a month and it’s terrific to be home. I’ve already been to lots of meetings and activities in the district to catch up with what’s being going...

DATE: June 16, 2014 | CATEGORY: Editorials

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