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According to the Old Testament prophet, Habakkuk, our God came from the following longitude and latitude: +30 Degrees 12 Minutes 13.73 Seconds by +35 Degrees 43 Minutes 57.24 Seconds.Wheres...
DATE: April 7, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
Holy Week Laity Services, various locations Holy Week Laity Services will take place at 7 a.m. each morning Monday, April 2, through Friday, April 6. These services are led by lay people from a...
DATE: March 31, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
I am a reader. It hasn’t always been that way. But sometime in my senior year of college, I discovered the joy of a good book. Of course, I have my favorite types of books. I love a good...
DATE: March 24, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
The Cortez Journal will be providing readers with a list of Holy Week and Easter service listings.Churches or groups should send service dates and times in paragraph form to the Journal as soon as...
DATE: March 24, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
“Keep us, we pray, from thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and ready at all times to step aside for others, that the cause of Christ may be advanced.” These are words from a...
DATE: March 17, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
The Cortez Journal will be providing readers with a list of Holy Week and Easter service listings.Churches or groups should send service dates and times to the Journal as soon as possible, so they...
DATE: March 17, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
The Christian Lenten Season began on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22. This year it continues until Easter on Sunday, April 8. For some Christians, its a time to give up bad habits, like eating chocolate,...
DATE: March 3, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: / a time to be born, and a time to die; / a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; / a time to kill, and...
DATE: Feb. 25, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
A friend recently shared a quote with me that went something like, “To refer to Desmond Tutu and Oral Roberts, Celtic monks and fundamentalist lobbyists, the Desert fathers and Tim La Haye, Jerry...
DATE: Feb. 18, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
The Anglican Church of St. Philip the Evangelist will observe Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 21 with a pancake dinner beginning at 6 p.m. Along with the pancakes, bacon, sausage, juice and coffee will be...
DATE: Feb. 18, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith
Every so often I receive what we have dubbed a “pocket call” from our oldest son. You see, our son, Chuck, who attends school in Colorado Springs, texts me every morning on his way to school.We...
DATE: Jan. 28, 2012 | CATEGORY: Faith