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I am writing in response to the editorial (Herald, 7/13) on Interior Secretary Jewell’s visit to Bluff, Utah to hear public comment on the proposed Bears Ears National Monument in San Juan County,...
DATE: Aug. 4, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Broadband public-owned internet? Oh my God, another government idea: now Montezuma County should get into the wideband communication business! No. No. No, because then we would need a...
DATE: Aug. 4, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Columnists get complaints. After my most recent column (which argued that maybe the economy is better than we say), I got one from Alice Lang of Spartanburg, S.C. She accused me (politely) of...
DATE: Aug. 1, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I’m writing to discuss recent aviation safety findings as well as the specific safety of the Pilatus PC-12 aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), combined with the National...
DATE: Aug. 1, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I read with interest Jacob Klopfenstein’s article about Club 20 and its opposition to Colorado Care (Journal, July 7). Strangely enough, it appears Club 20 members believe that we have accountable...
DATE: Aug. 1, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Recently, you ran an article (Journal, June 28) about Margot Phelps, a young scientist from Cortez who’s very involved with the gravitational waves project at LIGO (Advanced Laser Interferometer...
DATE: July 29, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
For the high-speed infrastructure, the build out cost of $27 million would be recouped by user fees. So after pay back, what will the tax dollars be used for? The Mesa Verde Path will get grant...
DATE: July 29, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
The Cortez City Council is endorsing Boutique Air for its EAS (essential airline services) needs. This recommendation was made by the council with no notice to or input from the community. I think...
DATE: July 28, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
“The best darn change-maker I ever met in my entire life.” So said Bill Clinton in making the case for his wife at the Democratic National Convention. Considering that Bernie Sanders ran as the...
DATE: July 28, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
WASHINGTON – It’s the revolution of rising expectations again. Watching Donald Trump last week, I thought of Alexis de Tocqueville, the French political philosopher whose Democracy in America,...
DATE: July 25, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Attending the recent hearing in Bluff with Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, I was disappointed with the local opposition loudly booing and trying to drown out voices of those who want...
DATE: July 25, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Last month, a group of young women from the Ute Mountain Ute tribe participated in a media training initiative called #GirlsGovern, which culminated in interviews with female elected officials. Run...
DATE: July 25, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
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