
Letters to the Editor

Better use of taxes: Make Cortez air hub

Recently my wife booked a roundtrip flight from the Cortez airport to Denver International Airport for $118.00. The lowest price flight out of the Durango airport is $391.00. Can someone explain...

DATE: Oct. 24, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Politicians needs to represent people

The income difference between those Americans in the middle class and below and those Americans that are at the top is way out of line. Obviously, those with money have the most power. One of the...

DATE: Oct. 24, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

History shows Hillary is the clear pick

As I look at Hillary and Donald’s history, personal and financial, it becomes more clear that Hillary has fought for people like myself and Donald has focused on his own financial wealth and...

DATE: Oct. 24, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

The two big takeways from the third presidential debate

OK, Donald Trump won’t promise to accept the results of the election. That’s truly — good grief.“I will tell you at the time. ... I’ll keep you in suspense,” he told Wednesday’s debate moderator,...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Facing an electoral dilemma: My vote explained

WASHINGTON — The case against Hillary Clinton could have been written before the recent WikiLeaks and FBI disclosures. But these documents do provide hard textual backup. The most sensational...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Ordeal let family know who are friends

For more than a year now I have watched in silence as this newspaper partook in the devastation of my family and in particular, my brother, William (Bill) Gary Conner. Statements made by both women...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Thanks go to awesome first responders

My family and I are writing to thank the 911 emergency responders, the Sheriff’s Office and Mercy Regional Medical Center Emergency Department staff. On Aug. 13, my daughter went into anaphylaxis...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

With rat or weasel choice, I’m voting rat

What an amazing year! We have to make a choice between a rat and a weasel. I’ve decided to vote for the rat. Why? Because I fear the weasel will do terrible damage to this country and I think and...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Funds not OK’d for building demolition

In Friday’s paper, (Journal, Oct. 14), the Re-1 school board ran a half-page ad to destroy our $1.874 million bond fund by using it to demolish the old high school. We, as taxpayers, voted and paid...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

SB 152 is not a tax, all county to vote

Last month the discussion topic at the League of Women Voters was Senate Bill 152, the Colorado law enacted in 2005 after heavy lobbying by the telecom companies. The purpose of the legislation was...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Advocating zoning is a dangerous thing

One needs to be very careful when advocating zoning. Our private property rights are sacred and nothing is more detrimental to them than zoning. It is not a good thing to buy property only to find...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Pathway to Mancos is not needed

Who dreamed up this new paved half-highway to Mancos? Somebody dangles a grant before the commissioners and away we go. Let’s see, a 10-foot wide cement surface (so it doesn’t wear out.) Of course...

DATE: Oct. 20, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

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Opinion columns can be submitted to letters@the-journal.com. They are published at the prerogative of the opinion editor and may be edited. Opinion columns should be 600-650 words and should be accompanied by a head shot of the author and a one-line pertinent biographical description. (For example, “John Doe is president of the nonprofit Kidz ’n’ Horses,” or “Jane Doe is a Durango City Councilor.”) Please also include your full name and contact phone number.

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