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Editor: We would like to thank everyone for their many calls, cards, countless meals and donations in our Mother Dorothy Willbanks’ name. We are reminded of how special she was not only in our...
DATE: Oct. 28, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
Editor: On behalf of the entire board of directors of SouthWest Colorado Concerts, I’d like to thank the people who helped make possible the recent premier Cortez performance of the San Juan...
DATE: Oct. 25, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
People are encouraged to submit announcements about upcoming events for the Community Calendar. Send announcements to Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be...
DATE: Oct. 25, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
A recent study of four cemeteries in La Plata and Montezuma counties reveals ethnic, cultural and religious characteristics of communities that contributed to the overall society, the director of...
DATE: Oct. 25, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
With a helping paw, Miles and Oscar have reached out to more than 100 area elementary school children, and the furry 100-plus pound beasts couldn’t be happier. Licensed animal therapy dogs, Miles...
DATE: Oct. 25, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
The ancestral Puebloans once roamed the area wearing sandals made from hemp, and area farmers can now grow the same ancient crop. Hemp was outlawed in the United States nearly 50 years ago, but in...
DATE: Oct. 25, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
On Nov. 2 at high noon, there will be a life celebration for Glen Rippee of Dove Creek held at the Cahone Cemetery. There will be a pasta lunch served at Glen and Wanda’s home after the service....
DATE: Oct. 25, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
Editor: We are very appreciative of all the support, and offer sincere thanks to Hospice Of Montezuma, Ute Mountain American Legion Post No. 75, Pastor Rick Gregory, Rev. Leigh Waggoner, family...
DATE: Oct. 22, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living
Target Tobacco Action Group wants to share some important facts about secondhand smoke. First of all, what is secondhand smoke? It is smoke from the burning end of the cigarette, pipe or cigar...
DATE: Oct. 21, 2013 | CATEGORY: Living