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Mancos High School Student Council would like to thank the following people and businesses for helping with Homecoming this year and making it an amazing week! Thanks to all the teachers and staff...
DATE: Nov. 4, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
Hello to everyone in Mancos. Bill and I are very busy getting settled in Bahia de Kino. We have no phone service yet or internet access at our home. It's an adventure trying to stay connected with...
DATE: Nov. 4, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
The family of Verna Jane Yeomans wishes to thank our extended family and friends who helped and gave support during our loss. We sincerely thank you all and are forever grateful. You made Jane's...
DATE: Oct. 7, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
Hi! There are many fine & wonderful people in the Four Corners. In our estimation you top the list! We experienced a blown out right rear tire on our 1996 GMC pickup. We were between Hesperus and...
DATE: Sept. 30, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
Over the summer, Mancos art teacher Kim Russell held a Summer Art Camp, and students painted a school van with a design inspired by Van Gogh. The school van provides services from the cafeteria to...
DATE: Sept. 9, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
Ten years ago, the Dolores River Valley Plan was put in place to protect the quality of our water and at the same time give property owners a right to sell off development rights. A nifty plan...
DATE: Sept. 9, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
The Mancos Alumni Scholarship Association wishes to thank everyone who made our 4th annual Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction fundraiser such a success.Each year, our wonderful community, as well...
DATE: July 29, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
Wait just darn minute! Our government sent our local hemp testers seeds with around 80 percent viability?I have never seen any crop with such dismal growth rates. OK fine. So instead of pot or hemp...
DATE: July 29, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
There are serious questions about the town board's decision to approve the zoning change of a multifamily residential area on East Grand to commercial. And just as questionable, to hastily approve...
DATE: July 8, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
It is maddening that every time something happens like this incident in which our daughter was killed that the authorities and/or media try to find something to make an accident darker or lay off...
DATE: June 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
I want to thank the Montezuma County BOCC for passing a resolution to the effect that the State should restore funding to our schools. Our County has lost almost $5 million in school funding in the...
DATE: April 2, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor
Do you know that every day hundreds of people across our state are or become victims of wage theft? Under current law, employees that experience wage theft must submit a written demand to their...
DATE: March 25, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Letters to the Editor