Wendy Watkins

by Wendy Watkins

Food as currency

I was visiting friends in Portland, Ore., over the July 4th weekend and had a chance to go to the Hillsdale Farmers Market on the southwest side of the city.Strolling through the noisy parking lot,...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

A picnic basket filled with bounty from the market

Fried chicken. Deviled eggs. Yogi Bear. County fair. Checkerboard cloth. Jar of honey. Blanket in the grass. My mother’s macaroni salad. Wicker basket. Bottle of wine. Antlers and herbs. Corn on...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Small universe of culinary satisfactions

I just finished reading an entertaining book by cook and food critic, Ruth Reichl, titled “Garlic and Sapphires,” in which she describes the experience of preparing food this way: “I have found...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Cortez Farmers Market gets underway

“….All things counter, original, spare, strange;Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim ...”Gerald Manley Hopkins got it right when he described the...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Farmers market prepares for winter’s sleep

Blaze. Nip. Slant. Bite. Gust. Swirl. What do these words have in common? They’re all verbs which can act as nouns: there’s a nip in the air, a slant to the light, and a swirl of leaves.They are...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

How to spend your Last Nickel

When of thy worldly goods thou art bereft,And in thy store two loaves are left,Sell one. And with the doleBuy hyacinths to feed thy soul.AnonymousMy grandfather loved this poem. An avid gardener,...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Functional to frivolous

“It’s not an engineered diversity. It’s grass roots. It happens on its own.”Austin Cope, Cortez By Wendy WatkinsStrolling through the Farmers Market recently, I ran into a young friend, a graduate...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

The Farmers Market heats up

Is there any smell more wonderful than the aroma of fresh chile being roasted over an open flame?It rivals the aroma of bread baking or a pot roast simmering. But, unlike bread and meat, fresh...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Back to school to farm

Kids, babies, and pregnant ladies. Saturday’s Cortez Farmer’s Market was in full flower – abuzz with barter and banter and lots of children with their parents in tow. I watched kids doing...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Welcome to the Meat Lover's section

For the vegetable-resistant among us, there’s good news and there’s bad news when it comes to the Cortez Farmer’s Market.First, the bad news: You will be seeing an increasing abundance of produce...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Market offers bounty of fresh greens

“The world of agriculture is defined both practically and aesthetically by two poles: those farmers whose aim it is to grow the greatest possible amount of food at the lowest possible price, and...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

Pumpkins hold special place

Few things in this world make me smile like a kid in a candy shop faster than a pile of pumpkins. Watching my hens cluck and scratch is a close second. The smell of a pinyon fire crackling in the...

DATE: March 6, 2017 | COLUMN: Parsnippet

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