Bulldog boys destroyed on hardwood

Following drubbings at the hands of the San Juan Basin League’s premiere teams, the Dove Creek Bulldogs boys basketball team has a better idea of what it takes to be the best. Telluride crushes...

DATE: Jan. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Dove Creek girls cruise to two wins

Demonstrating the ability to score inside and out, the Dove Creek Bulldogs girls basketball team cruised to a 2-0 week, thus improving to 9-1 on the year. Guynes leads Dove Creek past Telluride...

DATE: Jan. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Panthers open league play 1-1

After producing mixed results during the nonconference portion of their schedule, the Montezuma-Cortez High School boys basketball team entered league play as somewhat of a question mark. Two games...

DATE: Jan. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Lady Panthers drop two

Winless through their first 10 games, the Montezuma-Cortez High School girls basketball team can take solace in two facts: Players are improving, and the group continues to play hard. Panthers fall...

DATE: Jan. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Dove Creek wrestlers compete in Arizona tournament

Competing in a difficult tournament with large schools, the Dove Creek Bulldogs wrestling team turned in a solid performance. One of 47 schools at the Doc Wright Invite in Winslow Ariz., on Jan....

DATE: Jan. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Oliver continues his winning ways in Alamosa

After placing 80 percent of their team on the podium during the Alamosa Invitational on Jan. 18, the Montezuma-Cortez High School wrestling team appears primed to its march towards regionals....

DATE: Jan. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Silverton girl climbs Africa’s Kilimanjaro

Engineer Mountain probably would be a difficult and scary first climb. Handies Peak, a nearby Fourteener, might be just as hard, but a bit less scary. But check this out: A 9-year-old Silverton...

DATE: Jan. 21, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Breakaway breakout

DATE: Jan. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Panthers grapplers fall to Durango

With only five grapplers, the Montezuma-Cortez High School wrestling team is hard pressed to register team victories. Team results aside however, the majority of the individuals on the M-CHS...

DATE: Jan. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

Sports Briefs

Locals to shoot in Junior Olympics event Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club members Kayleen Bowie and Tia Imel will be attending the State Junior Olympic Shooting Championships this weekend in...

DATE: Jan. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: More Sports

Bulldogs perform well in Utah

To be the best, it is necessary to wrestle the best. Such appears to be the theory of the Dove Creek Bulldogs wrestling team as they navigate their way through a schedule that includes matchups...

DATE: Jan. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: High School Sports

The new(est) and absurd(est) deal

In an age of gargantuan contracts, the numbers were hardly surprising: seven years, 215-million dollars and an annual salary of more than 30-million dollars for baseball’s best, and now richest,...

DATE: Jan. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: More Sports

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