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Care is needed to protect McPhee Dam if a proposed oil-and-gas lease is developed nearby, according to Montezuma County commissioners. In a comment letter to the Bureau of Land Management, the...
DATE: Sept. 10, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News
Since Medicaid expanded to include adult dental services, 290 adults have received care this year at the Montezuma County Health Department. "It shows there is a big need for oral health in this...
DATE: Sept. 9, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News
Hidden in a corn field in southwest Colorado is a thriving hemp crop being cultivated by agronomists from Colorado State University. Despite the secrecy, the experiment testing 12 varieties of...
DATE: Sept. 9, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News
Since Medicaid expanded to include adult dental services, 290 adults have received care this year at the Montezuma County Health Department. "It shows there is a big need for oral health in this...
DATE: Sept. 8, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News
Families in the mountain town of Rico, in Dolores County, rely on their small school to educate elementary-age children. But parents are worried it could be on the chopping block because of a...
DATE: Sept. 7, 2015 | CATEGORY: Education
Since Medicaid expanded to include adult dental services, 290 adults have received care this year at the Montezuma County Health Department.“It shows there is a big need for oral health in this...
DATE: Sept. 7, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News
The body of a local man missing since July 2012 was found alongside railroad tracks east of Elko, Nevada, according to media reports. The remains of Robin Putnam, 25, were discovered last Tuesday...
DATE: Sept. 3, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News
Hidden in a corn field in southwest Colorado is a thriving hemp crop being cultivated by agronomists from Colorado State University. Despite the secrecy, the experiment testing 12 varieties of...
DATE: Sept. 3, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News
Dolores is wrapping up the summer season, but there are still some festivals and events coming up. The Riverfront Bar and Grill is hosting a pig roast and free music festival over the Labor Day...
DATE: Sept. 3, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News
The body of a local man missing since July 2012 was found alongside railroad tracks east of Elko, Nevada, according to media reports. The remains of Robin Putnam, 25, were discovered last Tuesday...
DATE: Sept. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News
Families in the mountain town of Rico, in Dolores County, rely on their small school to educate elementary-age children. But parents are worried it could be on the chopping block because of a...
DATE: Sept. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News
Several poor-performing gas wells north of Narraguinnep Reservoir are being plugged. In 2009, the Bill Barrett Corp. installed wildcat wells on private land north of Road X to tap natural gas...
DATE: Sept. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News