Position: Journal staff writer

Email: jmimiaga@the-journal.com

Phone Number: (970) 564-6034

County seeks drilling study

Care is needed to protect McPhee Dam if a proposed oil-and-gas lease is developed nearby, according to Montezuma County commissioners. In a comment letter to the Bureau of Land Management, the...

DATE: Sept. 10, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News

County dentist serves 290

Since Medicaid expanded to include adult dental services, 290 adults have received care this year at the Montezuma County Health Department. "It shows there is a big need for oral health in this...

DATE: Sept. 9, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News

CSU researching hemp in secluded test plot

Hidden in a corn field in southwest Colorado is a thriving hemp crop being cultivated by agronomists from Colorado State University. Despite the secrecy, the experiment testing 12 varieties of...

DATE: Sept. 9, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News

County dentist serves 290 in '15

Since Medicaid expanded to include adult dental services, 290 adults have received care this year at the Montezuma County Health Department. "It shows there is a big need for oral health in this...

DATE: Sept. 8, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News

Rico fears school is on chopping block

Families in the mountain town of Rico, in Dolores County, rely on their small school to educate elementary-age children. But parents are worried it could be on the chopping block because of a...

DATE: Sept. 7, 2015 | CATEGORY: Education

County dentist serves 290 in 2015

Since Medicaid expanded to include adult dental services, 290 adults have received care this year at the Montezuma County Health Department.“It shows there is a big need for oral health in this...

DATE: Sept. 7, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News

Rico, Telluride mourn loss

The body of a local man missing since July 2012 was found alongside railroad tracks east of Elko, Nevada, according to media reports. The remains of Robin Putnam, 25, were discovered last Tuesday...

DATE: Sept. 3, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News

CSU researching hemp in secluded test plot

Hidden in a corn field in southwest Colorado is a thriving hemp crop being cultivated by agronomists from Colorado State University. Despite the secrecy, the experiment testing 12 varieties of...

DATE: Sept. 3, 2015 | CATEGORY: Local News

Dolores still hoppin'

Dolores is wrapping up the summer season, but there are still some festivals and events coming up. The Riverfront Bar and Grill is hosting a pig roast and free music festival over the Labor Day...

DATE: Sept. 3, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News

Rico, Telluride mourn loss

The body of a local man missing since July 2012 was found alongside railroad tracks east of Elko, Nevada, according to media reports. The remains of Robin Putnam, 25, were discovered last Tuesday...

DATE: Sept. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News

Rico fears end of school

Families in the mountain town of Rico, in Dolores County, rely on their small school to educate elementary-age children. But parents are worried it could be on the chopping block because of a...

DATE: Sept. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News

Poor-performing gas wells being plugged

Several poor-performing gas wells north of Narraguinnep Reservoir are being plugged. In 2009, the Bill Barrett Corp. installed wildcat wells on private land north of Road X to tap natural gas...

DATE: Sept. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - News

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