Boys and girls of Dolores, friends of the Dolores Star, there is a nice present for you at this office. All that is required is that you bring in a one-year subscription to this paper, new or renewal, together with two dollars, the subscription price, and you will be given one of our fine new bow and arrow target sets.
The Wood, Morgan and Burnett force is making rapid progress on the highway job between Hallar Camp and Cortez. And when completed this apparently is going to be the finest section of road in the basin. The distance along this route will be reduced considerable and the driving time cut in half. The long sweeping wye at the intersection of the road with No. 666 east of Cortez is a big improvement over the old connection, which a stranger was bound to miss.
Decorating with electric light at Christmas time is a custom that is increasing in popularity in all parts of the country. The growth of this cheerful method of expressing the seasons greetings has been due chiefly to the fact that electric lighting is decorative, bright and offers a great flexibility in design.
Construction work on a logging road from the foot of the hill at the mouth of Dry canon to the top of the mesa, a distance of about five miles, will start at once, according to information received from McPhee. The work will be done with the big steam shovel, belonging to the Salee Construction Co., which has been left standing along the railroad near Bear Creek. The shovel was used by the contractors in the building of a section of the Dolores-Rico highway. The work of taking up the steel rails and ties of the old logging railroad has been going ahead for several days.
Forty-five thousand dollars to complete the last section of highway No. 160 between Hallar camp and Mancos is all Montezuma County can expect next year, according to plans of the highway advisory board which adjourned last week.
Mrs. Jim Trimble and sister, Mrs. Marie Good, were callers in Dolores Tuesday.
Andrew Cook and family moved last week to the Clark ranch up the river from Dolores.
Mrs. Mary Brumley came in last week from Dove Creek and is the guest of Mrs. Lucy McConnell.
Mrs. Kenneth Tucker returned home last week from a trip to Alamosa, where she was called some time ago on account of the illness of her brother.
Marguerite Koenig, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Koenig, is back to school this week, after being out for two weeks with an attack of flue and rheumatism.
Mrs. Lottie Lockett and Mrs. Alice Akin enjoyed the day Tuesday with Mrs. Lucy McConnell and Mrs. Mary Brumley. The ladies spent their time working on a quilt.
Jim Pearman is over from Durango for a few days to take charge of the cream station operated by A. L. Look. Mr. Look has been unable to operate the station on account of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Flanders motored to Mancos Sunday, where Mr. Flanders held services at the Baptist church. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lottie Lockett, who visited the day with her niece, Mrs. Jack Morgan.
Miss Alice Broadhead and brother, Clarence Broadhead, came in last week from Creede, and are guests of their nieces, the Exon girls, Alice and Bertha. The Broadheads may remain here for the winter and go on to California later.
Mrs. C. E. Beales came in last Friday morning to help with the nursing of Martin Rush and Miss Minnie, wo were quite ill with the flu. Miss Minnie is able to be up and present, but Mr. Rush is still confined to his bed for the most of the time.
Mrs. James Johnson, Mrs. Lucy McConell, Mrs. Mary Brumley and Mrs. Fred Cline were all day guests of Miss Harry Morgan Thursday. They spent the day doing some sewing and enjoyed a fine dinner prepared by Mrs. Morgan.