Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spiers are the proud new parents of a baby boy born on Sunday, Dec. 3. He was named William Thomas and weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 ozs.
Mrs. Mary Dufur will be having an informal open house again this weekend at her studio ¼ mile west of Dolores on the old highway. Anyone interested in viewing her recent paintings are welcome to drop in.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blackmer are the proud parents of a baby boy born on Friday, Dec. 8 at Southwest Memorial Hospital in Cortez. He weighed 7 lbs. 4 ozs. and has been named Matthew Thomas.
There is good news for the Dolores Schools this week as Superintendent J. D. Hathaway reports that according to indications from the State Department of Education, the Dolores Schools will have full accreditation back by the end of this school year. For the past three years, the district has been on a warning status as far as the accreditation is concerned.
The Dolores Rotary Club has taken on the ice rink at the city park as a winter project. Project co-chairmen are Gary Jones and Dave Sanford. There will be a work party Saturday to clear the snow off the ice.
Christmas lights in Dolores were turned on in the downtown area with new red wreaths on the light poles and red garlands stretched across Highway 145. A crowd was on hand Wednesday evening for the lighting ceremony which featured the Dolores High School band playing Christmas carols and the young tots joyful with a visit from Santa Claus.
Gail Clemensen arrived home Tuesday evening for the holidays with her family. She attends the University of Northern Colo. at Greeley.
Donna Lucero arrived home Saturday from Mesa College in Grand Junction for the holidays and for the break between quarters. She is working at the Dolores Star during her vacation.
George Rogers, Sr. has been a patient at Southwest Memorial Hospital for the past several days. His wife Ila entered the hospital Thursday for surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Hernandez were supper guests of Mr. D. E. Clemensen and family last Thursday evening. They all helped Sherry celebrate her birthday.
Bonnie Clemensen was a guest at the BPW Christmas Party at the home of Mrs. Irene Lee last Monday evening.
The D. E. Clemensen family enjoyed dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Hernandez in Cortez Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Lois Rash and Harry were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cattles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter entertained friends with a dinner party on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Caddie Plumlee was presented with a beautiful gift basket of fruit and other gifts by her children who came to help celebrate her 91st birthday on Friday afternoon, Dec. 8.
Mrs. Loava Bartholomew was the guest of Mrs. McMillan at the Lebanon Farmerettes Christmas party in Cortez early this week.