The county chamber of commerce will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. E. Blake, in Cortez, Monday evening. It is expected that this will be a very important meeting and all who are interested in the work of this organization should be present.
Loy Williamson this week took charge of the San Juan cream station and will have management of the same from now on. The place was made vacant by the death of A. L. Look who had the station from the time of its establishment here. Loy has a large number of friends in Dolores and vicinity who wish him success in this enterprise.
According to radio reports received here, a bill legalizing the manufacture and sale of beer of 3.2 percent alcoholic content passed in the house of representatives Wednesday. The bill will go to the senate for immediate consideration.
Word was received form Rico this week to the effect that Lizard head pass is open and in good shape for travel. Frank Koenig is responsible for the statement which was sent to the local chamber of commerce. Mr. Koenig said a car left Rico Monday enroute to Denver, and arrived in Montrose four hours later. Lizard Head pass can be kept open much more easily than any of the other high mountain passes and if it were given one half the attention some of the other passes received it would be an all-year highway.
C. C. McPhee, of the firm of McPhee and McGinnity, was badly injured in a runaway accident on Wednesday, fourty-four years ago column in the Rocky Mountain Herald.
W. H. Willesen made a trip to Pagosa Springs and back Wednesday.
George Thornton will spend Christmas with his family at Fowler, and leaves for there today.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Burnett, of Durango, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gaines.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ball will leave today for their old home on the east slope, to spend the holidays.
The Ford car belonging to Alfred Bloom caught fire and was totally destroyed early in the week.
Mesdames Harry Morgan, Lucy McConnell and C. W. Lilly made a trip to Durango Monday, returning that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lee and Norma Jane were supper guests Wednesday evening at the Edwin Walker home on Summit Ridge.
Mrs. Eileen Cremane and daughters left early in the week for Pueblo, where they will spend Christmas with relatives and friends.
Paul A Shields left this week for a trip to Denver, where he will attend to matters in connection with his work in the M. E. church.
Miss Greta Akin arrived home Monday afternoon, driving through in her car from California, where she has spent the past several months.
Mrs. C. N. Morrison was taken to a Durango hospital last week and Saturday morning underwent a major operation. At last report she was doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith came in from Denver Wednesday. Mrs. Smith has been visiting a daughter in Nebraska and Mr. Smith met her in Denver several days ago.
Ward Emerson and Avon Denham drove up to the ranger station this week to bring down the remainder of their belonging before they were snowed in for the winter.
Miss Gladys Adams left Thursday for her home at Rifle to spend the holidays with home folks. Mrs. Chas. Lee took her place in the school room for that day.