Jordan Lansing, of Dolores, celebrated her birthday like most 8-year-olds do - at the park, with friends, a piñata, cupcakes and games. But if you looked a little closer, you would see that Jordan's birthday was far from ordinary. This was evident when it was time to open gifts. Instead of dolls, toys and dresses, Jordan's gifts were far from ordinary.
Jordan opened up bags of dog and cat food, bottles of bleach, paper towels. Even kitty litter.
Was this a cruel joke?
She asked for everything she got. Jordan wanted to donate to the Cortez Animal Shelter. With each birthday party invitation, Jordan enclosed a plea to help the animals and a list of items that the shelter accepts.
Jordan wants to be a veterinarian, and felt this was a way to draw attention to the animals and help out the shelter.
The best part was when Joran delivered all the donated items and got to visit with some of the shelter's residents.
Spring break reading
If you want a good book to read over spring break, pick up Emerald Mile by Kevin Fedarko. The book tells the true story of the fastest boat trip down the Grand Canyon and hinges on a event in 1983 that some of you may remember.
In that winter, massive snowstorms hit area mountains, and the snowmelt in the spring was fast. The Dolores River is mentioned several times as it swelled in the spring, as all feeders into the Colorado River did, to create a memorable event.
Some of my friends said they remember standing at Glen Canyon Dam as water shot out the spillways, shaking the ground as it threatened to breach the dam.
Others said they knew some of the colorful characters that decided to take the floodwaters by storm in a small dory.
If anything, this is a great adventure book, but its local ties make it a must-read for anyone who is local and loves rivers.
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Shannon Livick