We just had Teacher Appreciation Week. Teacher Appreciation Week is set aside to celebrate all the things that teachers do to support the youth of our community. Not only do teachers spend countless hours of their own time providing the very best education for our children, they spend money from their own pockets to enhance the learning opportunities for their students. Teachers continually seek opportunity to improve their instruction, investing time and effort in keeping current with the latest teaching methods and developing curriculum. Teachers are dedicated advocates for their students. They wear many hats to meet the needs of their students: counselor, nurse, mediator and confidant. Teachers come in many flavors. Some are classroom teachers, some are support teachers. Some teachers teach PE, art, music or computers. Para-educators support teachers in meeting the needs of students. The school nurse, secretary and counselors teach our students as well. Our custodial staff provides us with a clean and well-maintained environment. That is why our school is a learning community! So, take a minute to thank these important members of our community. They deserve our thanks and appreciation for all of their hard work and dedication. We are very proud of our teachers at Dolores Elementary School! Happy Teacher Appreciation, Staff!
Sharon Maxwell
Principal, Dolores Elementary School