The monthly meeting of the Montezuma-Dolores counties chamber of commerce was held at the Del Rio cafe Monday with a good attendance. After a dinner, the business meeting was held. Plans for making Cortez the highway center of a large part of the western country was discussed by W. V. Olin. He gave a report of the meeting held at Cortez Saturday when the Canada to Mexico highway association was formed.
Cortez proposed to step out and show the other two towns of the county how to entertain at the annual picnic of the Montezuma County Dairy Association to be held at that place next Wednesday. It is stated that two thousand people will visit the county seat town on that date.
The matter of restocking the Dolores river with trout was brought up and a committee appointed to see what could be done about retaining ponds.
Rain, which is said to be general over this entire section, started falling Tuesday and the country from Cortez to Rico, at least, got a fine soaking. The higher hills and mountain peaks were covered with a nice white blanket of new snow Wednesday morning, and there was more rain Wednesday. All of which may be calculated to be worth a million dollars,more or less, to the stockmen, farmers and the rest of us.
Henry Goodman, known to all the old timers of the Dolores section, died within the past week at his home at Moab, Utah, according to word received from there. Mr. Goodman, who was about 80 years old, was one of the early pioneers of this section, coming in here with a bunch of cattle when a young man. He was a man of splendid character and had a great many friends.
V. O. Stoddard and C. W. May, traveling salesmen who visit this place several times a year, were here again this week and as usual took out several nice trout. They say the Dolores river is one of the best fishing streams in the state. At any rate, these gentlemen always make a nice catch or two when they come here and they do all their fishing right in the town limits.
Geo. P. Moore, who owns and operates the restaurant and pool room here,was the victim of a brutal attack last Saturday night. Mr. Moore was preparing to close the place for the night and stepped out the back door when someone struck him several times on the head and face with a club or piece of iron. Evidently the thug intended to knock Mr. Moore out and then rob the place, and the only thing which prevented him doing so was the fact that Mr. Moore was too tough a bird to be knocked out so easily. No doubt Mr. Moore's cries for help had something to do with the would-be robber's sudden departure. At present time, no arrests have been made in connection with the case, and Mr. Moore, though battered and bruised, is on the job as usual.
Shannon Livick