The Del Rio hotel has been reopened under the management of Mrs. Frank L. Smith, the opening being held Thursday of this week. The place was until recently operated by Mrs. Ottelia Boehm. It is the intention of Mrs. Smith to give Dolores the best kind of service.
The local theater has arranged to give its patrons opportunity to see the Baer-Carnera fight pictures in Dolores. The showing will be held here August 13 and 14. The picture is said to be much better than the usual fight pictures and all fight fans should see them.
Several loads of logs were brought through Dolores early in the week and taken to the big plant of the New Mexico Lumber Mfg. Co., at McPhee. These logs were cut some time ago in the vicinity of Horse Camp.
A recital of the piano pupils of Harriet C. Willden was given last (Thursday) evening at the Baptist church. The program consisted of piano music by local pupils and other numbers by local people.
Joe Raff, flour mill expert of Grand junction, has taken charge of the new Dolores flour mill and is making flour for all he is worth. Mr. Raff formerly ran this same machinery when it was set up in the Junction.
That the road between Dolores and Cortez is to be resurfaced in the immediate future is practically assured as the announcement of the state highway department recently made public is found to contain an item of $21,500 for "surfacing east of Dolores."
According to official announcement made this week by the Telluride Mining & Milling company, operations will be resumed within the next week at the old producer. Company officials stated this week that, "The reconstruction of the Pennsylvania tunnel buildings has almost been completed. The balance of the work to be done will not interfere with the operations of the mine and amounts to only the finishing touches."
The new auto service station, which has been under construction here for the past several weeks, was formally opened to the public Wednesday. The new building which was erected for Lee Lynton, is of brick construction and occupies the corner opposite the Del Rio hotel on Central Avenue and 4th Street. It is to be known as the Central Service Station.
Mrs. H. L. Owens returned Sunday from a trip to Kansas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bozman, of Cortez.
C. H. Webb has accepted a position in the office of the New Mexico Lumber Mfg. Co., at McPhee and began his duties the first of this week.
Miss Mary Lee Miller is visiting in Rico this week as a guest of Mrs. Mary Willson.
Shannon Livick