W.L. Glenn and W. V. Olin, the committee appointed from the Montezuma Valley Water Users association to visit Denver in an effort to secure construction of a storage reservoir for irrigation water on the Dolores River watershed through the use of relief or such other funds as might be found available, returned Sunday evening. Existing estimates on completion of the Groundhog site, the first objective of the present movement, are $85,000 for the dam and $30,000 for a ditch to divert Fish Creek into the reservoir. When completed the reservoir will carry about 11,000 acre feet of water and will be of service to more than 40,000 acres of land on the Dolores watershed.
In spite of drought and what not, the peach crop in Montezuma county is better this year than ever has been known before. From all sections of the county, McElmo to Summit Ridge, comes reports of loaded trees and a splendid quality of fruit. Ernest Hall, of McElmo, says he is selling peaches as fast as he can get them off the trees to buyers who come to the place and take them away.
Montezuma County is without doubt as consistent a peach growing section as there is in the United States and the quality of the fruit is unexcelled. A total failure in all sections of the county is practically unknown.
Executive Secretary John T. Burns, of the Colorado State Chamber of Commerce, will be in the county Monday and will address a meeting of Mancos, Dolores and Dolores County chambers of commerce at Cortez that evening at eight o'clock.
The school officials have had a crew of men busy this week making the school buildings in Dolores ready for the opening of school next week. The high school building is being renovated and redecorated inside, while the out buildings at the Washington building are being repaired and new vaults are being dug for the toilets. School grounds are being cleaned up and a big improvement in the appearance of the premises is being effected.
Forrest White, superintendent of the RGS railroad, has been in Dolores most of this week, looking over the track and giving assistance to the section bosses.
Musgrave and Calhoon report the sale of a new Plymouth coupe to Paul Fury, of the Dove Creek section. Delivery of the car was made Saturday.
Calvin Trimble and Miss Mary Powell motored to Mesa Verde Sunday, returning in the evening.
Hal Rutherford was calling on old friends in Dolores Tuesday. The Rutherford family is planning on moving back to Alma, Colo., this week.
Mr. Taylor, teacher of the Granath Mesa School, moved to the Kuykendall ranch this week.